Cork cares about non-profits getting Higher Returns on their Human Capital. We have training and facilitation services specifically with non-profit needs and budgets in mind.

Training & Coaching
The nonprofit world is as competitive a place as the corporate sector. Set your organization apart through the art of storytelling; win donors with critical influencing skills; and exceed your goals with effective leadership and a culture of collaboration.
Cork Cares brings highly engaging and deeply impactful training and coaching tailored to the nonprofit environment and brought directly to your office.
Click here for more details on all of Cork’s training and coaching offerings.

Story Blueprint
Cork will facilitate 2 Half Day (or 1 full day) Session(s) with 3-5 of your key staff and Board members that will cover THE BIG PICTURE, THE WHY, THE HOW AND THE PROOF.
The Big Picture identifies various audiences, opportunities to share the story, desired emotional engagement, history and current mission of the company, and hopes for the final scripted product. The Why is a facilitated brainstorming on both high level vision and daily expression of it, discuss imagery and promotional materials that will be associated with the new storyline. The How hones in on the programs, procedures and policies that make your organization run effectively, how you engage with the greater community, who the people are that help in these areas. The Proof is the data that confirms you are relevant and meeting your goals, and any relevant awards, press, or current fundraising efforts you wish to include in the script.
Drawing from the above curated information, your current branding kit, and images associated with the scripted story, Cork will craft the Story Blueprint. The Blueprint consists of a “script” and accompanying 10-15 side PowerPoint deck that will work as a support to the storyteller. The “script” which includes taglines, stories, presentation tips and other influential information for any storyteller to draw on for presentations to audiences as identified in the facilitation.
Reading of the final script alongside the working deck and facilitated discussion for implementation of the story throughout the organization and in marketing and PR opportunities. The Blueprint process includes 2 hours of on-site coaching for selected individuals to practice delivery of the script and deck.