Training, Facilitation + coaching

Small Group Training & Facilitation Topics

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Executive Coaching


This course dispels the myths of building an excellent network internally and externally by giving participants a toolkit to assess and build lasting professional relationships. Participants learn to easily identify various communication styles, how to make a lasting impact with others, and thoughtful follow through. Harnessing these skills ensures participants are more influential and ultimately successful in their career.

Based on the proven principles found in Stephen R. Covey’s best-selling book, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, this course sets the foundation for professional effectiveness — increasing productivity, strategic long term goal setting, and developing tools for leading yourself and others. Participants take an honest assessment of the ineffective habits that distract and derail and learn how to implement the 7 success habits by way of a personal commitment to being their best in all aspects of their work.

Our mindset is the way we think about successes and challenges. A growth mindset evolves from an attitude of hard work, learning, training, and perseverance. In comparison, individuals with a fixed mindset believe that success comes from innate ability and dread experiences that push them out of their comfort zone. In this course, participants develop strategies to increase their own growth mindset and lead others to learn and grow from individual, team, and organizational challenges.

Studies have shown that emotional intelligence has a much greater impact on career success than a person’s IQ. Emotional intelligence capabilities are not innate talents, but skills that can be learned. This course will enable participants to identify and develop the competencies that you most need to develop and create an action plan to grow stronger in each key emotionally intelligent area.

Collaborative work environments make it possible for partnerships to prosper, inside, outside, and across an organization. They create an atmosphere in which people can more easily adapt to day-to-day needs and challenges, and use them to rise to new levels. This course provides participants with the knowledge and know how to be agents of collaboration thus generating innovative thought and problem solving.


Become clear, confident, and engaging through the work of storytelling. A good story not only engages the imagination of the listener but also reveals the speaker’s passion. Participants will understand the impact stories have, how to use both personal and company narratives, and how to deliver stories that motivate.

Participants will develop key presentation skills and learn how to share their ideas with greater influence on the audience. This course examines common executive presence and public speaking techniques, among others. Participants learn how to communicate the same message to different listeners, have excellent verbal and nonverbal skills, overcome ineffective habits and nervous tendencies, engage others in effective Q&A, and provide a reliable method to be a truly engaging speaker and presenter.

Caring Personally while Challenging Directly — is a method for providing guidance and feedback that’s both respectful and clear, specific and sincere. It’s a simple concept that’s not always easy to practice. Based on the bestselling book Radical Candor that launched a global management revolution, this course helps participants level up their feedback skills and activate a team culture that promotes timely and effective communication focused on people and process improvement.

If you’re not getting the results you’re looking for, it’s likely a critical conversation has you stuck. Whether it’s a problem with poor quality, declining satisfaction, or a strained relationship – you need the skills to discuss these issues and provide critical feedback that leads to positive change. This course teaches techniques for creating alignment and agreement by fostering open dialogue around high-stakes topics and empowers participants with a framework to approach discussions that they may otherwise have poorly or avoid altogether.

For the first time, four generations of employees are simultaneously playing a prominent role in the workplace. Bridging age gaps involves more effort and investment in relationships. People are products of their history, their environment and their experiences, so different generations often have varied life experiences that shape how they think, what they value, and what drives them at work. Participants will learn how to value these differences and communicate with one another in results oriented ways for better engagement.


Team members across an organization make impactful decisions every day. This course helps teams and individuals more effectively consider and incorporate the enterprise wide impact of those decisions and move confidently from strategy to action. Participants learn how to effectively engage stakeholders throughout the organization, identify strategic options, and apply a customer-centric perspective to the decision making process.

Psychological safety refers to an individual’s perception of the consequences of taking an interpersonal risk or a belief that a team is safe for risk-taking. In a team with high psychological safety, teammates feel safe to take risks and innovate which leads to better structure and goal clarity, dependability, and impactful work. In order for psychological safety to occur each individual must understand and help implement the 4 quadrants – learning safety, challenging safety, collaboration safety, and inclusion safety.

Having a great idea isn’t enough. Ideas are the easy part. The challenge is driving them through implementation and adoption. Successful change agents have the knowledge and skills to drive an idea through the various levels, departments, personalities, questions and potential obstacles that can stand in the way of implementation and success. Participants will acquire the actionable skills and tools to define new ideas with great effect and clarity, and navigate detours, potholes and roadblocks that often cause desired change to fail, as well as develop and define ideas with power & clarity.

Effective leadership requires a clear and actionable vision. Being comfortable and competent with developing and communicating that vision is key to strong leadership. This course covers the essential elements of vision development and implementation and will be used as a springboard to generate both a personal and professional visionary narrative.

This course empowers leaders to practice the skills they need to become engaging in a way that creates confident, inspired, empowered, and enthusiastic teams. Linking practical leadership theories to dynamic team building, this course comes to life by working through common challenges and managing the reality of getting the best from a wide variety of people who need to work together.

Leadership is a powerful and humbling experience. Top leaders play an enormously impactful and critical role in the results of organizations. The transition from individual contributor to manager to leader is far-reaching, complex and essential to get right. In this course, top leaders gain a better understanding of their impact through this important transition in terms of how they lead themselves, their teams, and the whole organization. A capstone to the growth of an effective and self-actualized leader.

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Executive Coaching

Today’s leaders and emerging leaders face increasing pressure to deliver short term results and long term value, goals that often conflict. Leadership is often lonely, and few leaders possess the full range of experience or expert thought partnership to tackle every issue they will face in our fast paced, dynamic business environment. That’s where coaching comes in.

Cork’s approach to coaching focuses on helping leaders establish and achieve key business goals. The coaching process helps an executive identify individual/team/organizational strengths and weaknesses and focuses on mastery of the skills and behaviors to achieve established goals.

A Cork Certified™ coach creates a safe environment in which the executive can feel comfortable taking the risks necessary to explore, learn and grow. Drawing from rich experience, a deep knowledge base and a comprehensive repertoire of learning tools, the Cork Certified™ coach offers guidance and activities that help the executive meet their business goals.

A Cork Certified™ coach earns trust with an executive and an organization through ethical practices and confidentiality.

Cork Certified™ coaching activities are underpinned by research-based principles of adult learning: awareness, action, and reflection.


Executive Coaching

Coaching of senior managers or leaders (e.g. vice president, S/EVP, president, or C-suite exec). Executive coaching focuses on mastering key individual skills and expanding a senior executive’s impact on others and the organization overall. The Cork Certified™ coach helps the leader identify goals to maximize impact and effectiveness, then helps the executive identify and master key behaviors, habits, and skills that align with the executive’s goals.

Emerging Leader Coaching

Coaching of newly minted managers and emerging leaders (e.g. directors, managers). Cork helps these leaders accelerate assimilation into and effectiveness in their new leadership role. Coaching helps these leaders clarify the most important responsibilities – on behalf of the individual executive, team and entire organization – and work toward goals to be successful in each capacity. New managers and emerging leaders often are highly competent and promoted for individual contributions and strong technical skills. Coaching helps these leaders complement these skills with excellent communications, interpersonal, and leadership skills.

Subject Matter Coaching

This type of coaching is based on any of the ~20 Cork training topics.

For example: Presentation/Storytelling/Communication coaching focuses on helping clients improve the way they communicate and influence others. A Cork Certified™ coach helps the coachee master effective oral, written, and slideshow development skills, resulting in more effective communication in team and board meetings, virtual and live presentations, panel discussions, and daily work conversations.


Individual coaching clients are selected by an organization’s senior leadership.  Each client is assigned a specific number of private coaching sessions with a Cork Certified™ coach.  Confidential coaching sessions are executed over a specified time period based on the organization’s and individuals’ needs and goals.

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